De vegades, sense motiu, em ve la lletra d'un poema o d'una cançó al cap. Sovint són fragments que conec, però de vegades -com en aquest cas, i també amb el de "Where is my soul?"-, és una composició nova. Espero que us agradi.
Now you are here,
after all this time,
and nobody knows
where is your house.
The time that I missed you,
that time you disapeared;
the time of the darkness
and the lonely roads.
Lost in your eyes,
praying for your life,
I will remember
your fire and ice.
The death and the kills,
the ones who you missed;
they are all around you
like shadows of ghosts.
The people is stupid,
they don’t know your life;
but they always speak
catching you down inside...
Lost in your eyes,
praying for your life,
I will remember
your fire and ice.
And now they blame you,
and now you are just quiet,
and they shout to you;
but you don't say a word.
The gallow is darkest,
darkest than your soul;
they hang you on the gallows.
You will never move.
Lost in your eyes,
praying for your life,
I will remember
your fire and ice.
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