divendres, 18 d’agost del 2017


Com estrelles en el cel,
promet-me que volarem.
Digue’m que serem com àngels,
sols un nou començament.

Mirarem el cel de nit,
arraulits sota les mantes,
i no sentirem els crits
dels que es troben els cadàvers.

Aviat jo m’hi uniré,
una més al seu seguici,
i ho sé.

Però no tens per què dir-m’ho,
per què dir-me la veritat.
Vull morir amb esperança,
no amb paraules de comiat.

dijous, 17 d’agost del 2017


Ho sento tot molt més intens
que la resta dels que m’envolten.
Ho sento així en tot moment,
p’rò sobretot quan estic sola;
perquè qui em veu es pot sentir,
o imaginar què és el que sento,
respirant intensament
en aquest camp de flors grogues.


El món s’entela
en un aire fred
mentre les cendres
omplen el cel.

Quan tot acabi
i ens envolem,
i tu no hi siguis,
ja no ho veurem.

Però paraules
i els nostres crits,
que pesen massa,
queden aquí.

I en la blancor
dels núvols fosos,
mentre es tenyeixen
de color sang,

veurem la mort,
que ja ens arriba,
i a poc a poc,
‘nirem marxant.


Lobo solitario
que por las praderas
persigues a la luna llena;
ven a mí, porque te espero.
¿Cuántos años, cuantas lunas,
tardarás en darte cuenta?

I can't save you

You and me, always together,
you and me, never alone,
you and me, we are the angels,
we’re two angels in the world.

If our hearts are only holes,
and our skin’s nothing but glass;
if in fact we’re going to die,
why do we are all alive?

Why do we try every day
to make our hearts beat even faster?
Why do we, why you and me?
Why are we alone?

I can’t always be there for you,
I can’t always be your flare.
I can’t always be your savior
if your pain is everywhere.

Now you run, you runaway;
you leave me, but I can’t leave you.
You’re my hope, my wings, my all,
and I’m nothing but your savior.

Not your man, I’m just your friend,
your last gun, your secret card.
And I know, I know it all,
I know that I am…

Just another piece in your game!

I can’t always be there for you,
I can’t always be your flare,
I can’t always be your savior
if your pain is everywhere.

You said no one’s going to kill me;
I know who the killer is.
I know that my song is ending,
but the story never ends.

Alyson cry

She never cried, she never cried,
neither the day when someone died.
She never cried, she never cried,
I fell down but she never cried.

And then, one day, when I told her
I was in love with her sister,
I saw her cry, I saw her cry,
when she fell down I saw her cry.

I didn’t say anithing else,
don’t want to hurt her, but she cries,
cries every moment, everywhere,
and I don’t know what’s wrong with her.

My Alyson, I love you so,
but I can’t push you to the end.
So Alyson, don’t cry for me;
just let the flames began,
bringin’ me empty,
and let me die, ‘cause it’s my time,
and you’re the one for me.


Hey, do you can hear me,
is my voice over here?
Do you remember the truth?
I told you, I told you,
that when I was young,
the wolves were my saviors
and only the owls
were there for me when I cry…
And even in the darkest night;
they sang for me…
the day I died…